Sunday, August 27, 2017

Week 70 - 1 Week 2 Typhoons

Yeah this week really didn't go like we wanted it. There were 2 typhoons this week, and it really disrupted our plans for the week. We weren't able to meet with a couple of investigators and less actives that we wanted, but no worries they are already scheduled for this next week!

I guess I'll start of with last Monday. So for Pday I got together with 3 other Elders companionship, and we just played some basketball in the Kowloon Tong chapel, and not to brag or anything, but that was the best I've played since like before my 1st major knee injury. I was just feeling it from the 3 point line, and was actually able to get to the hoop like I used too! It was alot of fun, and I got to play with an Elder from North Carolina who like has played against top 10 NBA draft picks, so it was fun to play with someone of that caliber even though he hada  really off day.

Then Wedesday apparently was one of the biggest typhoons ever to hit Hong Kong. It was a level 10, and we were stuck in the apartment most of the day trying to do something productive. My mom told me there was about $8 billion HKD worth of damage here, and that's like a little over 1 billion USD. Man that's crazy in my area yeah there were some big trees that came down, but apparently the island and Maccau got smashed. Luckily all the missionaries are ok.

This week we were finally able to give one of our investigators a BD (Baptism Date)!! He has changed so much since I met him 5 months ago, he has honestly changed his life so much, now he just needs to stop smoking then he's good! so keep praying for him.

We also met with a new guy this week, and he seems like he has some potential, so good things are happening in NTK!!

Love you guys hope to hear from you next week!

not alot of pics, so sorry....

Elder Eveson

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Week 69 - Saying By to All My Old Comps

This last week went by like a breeze. It was the usual eat until we throw up because the members wanted to say bye to Elder Jensen and Stone, but Wednesday was the best! me and Elder Jensen went on exchanges to have dinner with our favorite guy Bishop Yu back in Tuen Mun ward. Gosh I love that guy! I never received so much good advice from any other person. It was also super good to hear what has happened in the ward since I left 5 months ago. The super less active guy who hadn't come to church in 30 years bro Yiu, and had alot of commandment problems is now fully active in the ward, has the Melchizedek Priesthood, and now is a High Priest! My good friend Chan Lok Yuen recently submitted his mission papers! My good friend Helaman that graduated from college like 5 years ago and hasn't doesn't done anything since now has a full time job as a English teacher! His younger brother A-Him who got off his mission like 5 years ago and hasn't done anything since is going to BYU-Hawaii this week! Their little sister who I have never met has started coming back to church! and a couple of LA's have told the bishop and the missionaries they want to start coming back to church!!!!! Like I saw these people start to change when I was there, and it was super awesome to see that their lives have improved even more since I left. Yes as missionaries we are supposed to find the prepared people, but we are also supposed to build up the kingdom of God by building up the members as well, and it's amazing to see these people change.

Then on Thursday I had to say by to some 30ish missionaries, all off them over the last year I have become good friends with. It was super hard to say bye to them all and to see the experience in the mission take a massive dip. I am now the 7th oldest missionary experience wise, and there are only 9 Elders in the mission with over a year of experience in the field, so I'm excited to see what happens and to watch the younger missionaries grow. Oh then right after that our stake had a fun war games activity where I got to pelt the young men and President Mak with arrows, yeah it was super fun, and became better friends with our wards' Young Men!

Saturday we attended a members mother's funeral, and we had the chance to sing there. During the members talk I was expecting a lot of tears, but there wasn't really any. Bro. Cheng when he spoke about his mothers life he was super calm and he shared his testimony of the Plan of Salvation, its amazing how our heavenly father prepared this perfect plan for us, and has promised us that we will all live again, and be able to see our loved ones again. If anyone wants to learn more about this plan just ask me and I'll be glad to explain it, or find someone to help!

Yesterday at church we got a lot of support from the ward, and its good to have their support despite losing 2 zone leaders and experienced missionaries, but this transfer should be fun!

love you all!!

Elder Dylan Eveson

Pday meals!

I ate snake for the 1st time!

and Turtle! (Turtle Jelly, not really)

Bye Bye Comp. of 6 months and roommate of 11

Bye Elder Smith!
couldnt find Elder Stone so no selfie with him, but use this last one.

Week 68

This week has been a little crazy. We had Zone Conference this week, and President Lam kind of told us a new way of teaching that would improve the teaching across the mission. So we are hoping these new ideas really could help everyone we teach. Also we have just been visiting members like crazy this week. I am now going on week 2 of not buying any food, but hey I'm not complaining haha. 

On Saturday we had a massive water activity after our kids English class, and it was a lot of fun. We have keys to the roof the the chapel, so we were totally pelting people with water baloons from the top and it was pretty fun. Then that night we also had Ngau Tau Kok (NTK),  Kwun Tong wards combined musical concert thing that was also a lot of fun. There were some pretty funny performances, then there were some super good ones as well. I'll just say our bishop has some pipes that no one knew about haha. 

Then on Sunday after church we had a ward potluck where we had like 15 non members/ inactive members  and the entire time I was literally running around like crazy trying to schedule these people, and guess what I scheduled 2 of them! Super excited to meet with them later this week!

So the transfer of chaos is happening this week. We have 40ish missionaries going home, and only 14 coming in, so there are a lot of areas being shut down. I'm going to be staying with Elder Rodriguez, and still going to be district leader. The crazy thing is my zone now only has 6 Elders. us, the assistants, and the office Elders, and so the  new zone leaders are actually just going to be the assistants haha. That shows what the heck is going down the next couple of months haha. So many people are now covering 2 areas haha.

So yeah that's about all that's happening. All my other companions in the field are all going home this week, and its really interesting whats going to happen the next couple of months!

Elder Eveson

me and my buddy Ho Lam!

                     Then me and my buddy zero

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Week 67 - Time to put on the Big Boy Pants

Wow what another great week here in Hong Kong! This week has been a lot of fun, and were able to visit so many members this last week! To start off last week we met up with Elder Rodriguez's MTC teacher, and had some lunch wit him down in central, then after that we hopped onto a ship and went out to Cheung Jau one of the outlying islands here in Hong Kong. It's a little fishing village with some pretty cool stuff, so it was a lot of fun. After that we went to our ward mission leaders home  for ward FHE (Family Home Evening) where they celebrated Elder stones and our ward mission leaders birthday only to have them find out that my birthday was the the same week. Haha it was pretty funny. So we celebrated it together and also got a nice present too( some sweet supermen socks!) Then on Tuesday there was kind of a makeup dinner to celebrate all 3 of our birthdays haha at a super good Thai food restaurant! 

We also have meeting with Terrance fairly frequently and trying to get him ready for baptism, so the only thing really holding him back is his mom doesn't really support the christian religion in general, so right now we are talking a lot with our bishop and ward mission leader on what's the best way to help him. We all decided that we want him to invite his parents to our ward pot luck next week, so let's pray for the best! Oh I forgot to say this last week, but he's already read the entire Book of Mormon, and loves it! He especially liked Jesus Christ appearance in 3rd Nephi. Man he's so ready!

Then Saturday was a pretty cool experience I got to do my 1st baptismal interview with someone in the Sha Tin ward, and he's the coolest guy ever! So he doesn't know any Cantonese or Mandarin, he speaks some uncommon dialect in Mainland, but anyways we needed a translator, but it was super good! He has had some pretty cool miracles happen since he started believing in Jesus Christ, and overtime I asked a question about a commandment he was like "of course I'll keep it!" Yeah the guy is a stud...

To get to the title of this email,m I was pretty nervous being put with Elder Rodriguez this transfer, and becoming a senior companion because I have always been like not really confident in my understanding others, and like 40ish missionaries going home next week, and pretty much having to take over the area, but I can testify God prepares everyone he calls. Since being with Elder Rodriguez, the people I sometimes found extremely hard to understand are pretty easy now, and my speaking has skyrocketed as well. Also members are starting to realize that I'm taking over the area next week, and they are like "wow your Chinese isn't actually that bad" so that's something I've seen over this last week. So I guess that shows that if you got confidence in yourself that great things can happen!!

Today is  my birthday,  I'm just gonna go chill with my good buddy Elder Earls in Mong Kok!

Love you all, and  thanks for all the birthday wishes!

Elder Eveson

Cheung Jau caves

on a rock!

Can someone say future album cover?

 amazing drinks with Brother Lee

The squad at that Thai restaurant 

The Wong family

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Week 66 - English Class Funday

Hey another great week here in Hong Kong. This week was a little slow because of me being "transferred" but staying in the same ward. It's interesting because in our ward we have so many potentials that just haven't been taught yet, so when I was put together with Elder Rodriguez, we inherited all those potentials because the other Elders have 2 weeks left, and they are teaching the Recent Converts and investigators that already know both sets of  Elders. This next week's plan is to start teaching some of those people.

 My buddy Terrance, he's doing alright, but right now he isn't ready to commit to a date. He has already finished the entire Book of Mormon, so now we are really trying to make him act on that faith. He does want to be baptized, but he doesn't think he is ready. But don't worry he is still super solid. Ummm for anything else out of the ordinary we had our massive kids English class Funday, and it was a huge success! We got 27 kids to it, and they loved it! It was Mexican themed, and learned about the culture, and ate some tacos, and to cap it all, we had made 2 pinatas and the kids absolutely loved it! So hopefully we can get even more people to come to class, and hopefully teach some in the future. Also a water war is also in the planning stages right now for another activity! Some people have asked me how it feels to finally be with someone younger in the mission and senior companion, and my answer is " I have no idea what I'm doing!" but its a learning curve, and I'm slowly catching on to what I am supposed to do. Great things are about to take place in Ngau Tau Kok (NTK), so stand by!

 Love you all

Elder Eveson 彥長老
zone picture before transfers

I'm gonna miss the Sha Tin Elders (closing the Elders companionship)

complete chaos at the English Funday (I'm holding the pinata)